About Us

Find out a bit more about us

As a spinal health clinic Välmå aims to alleviate pain and discomfort through a multi-disciplinary approach. Our practitioners are qualified in osteopathy and chiropractic. We’re a patient centric service dedicated to treating conditions such as back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, pelvic pain, migraines, scoliosis and other musculoskeletal (MSK) issues resulting from injury or natural aging. We feel that everyone should live a pain-free life and that pain, stiffness or discomfort doesn’t need to be part of life.

Our Mission Statement:

“We live for the benefit of our clients, offering quality of life. Committed to the highest quality of care by being consistently attuned to the needs of our clients and by providing exceptional service through both their clinical and non-clinical experience with us. We improve quality of life by caring for and educating our clients who want optimum health for themselves, their family and friends.”


ALBA KOJAIRIClinic Manager
Alba loves to make a difference in people’s lives and is passionate about quality and standard of service. She has brought a wealth of experience from working in other medical fields and is your first welcome as you arrive.
ROBERT SVANClinic Leader
Robert is passionate about the patient experience and living for the benefit of others. His native Scandinavian altruism underpins his mission, driven to make a positive difference to visitors and to offer the best care and experience. Robert spent many years visiting other spinal health clinics and always felt “there had to be a better way” and that’s why he founded Välmå.
DR JORDAN THEODORSenior Chiropractor
Jordan has worked in the field since 2016 and graduated from McTimoney School of Chiropractic. He’s passionate about movement, mobility and quality of life for his patients. In his spare time Jordan is a dance teacher and therefore has a unique understanding of how the body and athletic performance is affected by misalignment and the need to ensure good spinal health for optimal performance and living a pain free life.

How Can We Help

Fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible to book an appointment