Top 3 Exercises for a Healthy Spine

According to Harvard Health Publishing (August, 2020) the three best exercises to strengthen and safeguard your spine are the curl-up, the side plank and the bird dog.

The curl-up is where you lay on your back and curl your upper body towards your knees without moving any other part of your body.

The side plank is where you lean your elbow and the side of your feet on the floor, with your legs together and your one side above and facing the floor as if you were to lean against a wall with your elbow.

The bird dog is where you place your knees on the floor and your palms and then extend one leg and its opposite arm, keeping these in the air and straight with your body.

Your core muscles, both your back and your abdominal muscles, serve to support and strengthen the integrity of your spine and are therefore important for optimal spinal health. These exercises also help develop good balance and overall posture, which become increasingly important as you age and linked to increased health span and life span.


Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday 10:00 – 16:00
Sunday Closed


 0161 840 4445


 6A Thatch Leach Lane,
Manchester M45 6AX

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